Training a dog for service work can be intense for both the owner and the dog. Mixing in trick training can bring back the fun! Additionally, working towards Trick Titles is a nice way for an …
Caregivers and Service Dogs
Typically, when we talk about people with disabilities, we think about the individual's needs. However, in many cases, a caregiver is an essential part of the picture. For children with disabilities, …
Preventing Burn Out in Working Service Dogs
Service dogs often work long hours in complex environments. The demands of this work can be stressful for the dog. Prolonged stress can trigger dogs to develop behavioral or possibly health problems. …
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Empathy and Disability
One of my favorite Star Trek characters was Deanna Troi. She had a special ability as an empath. She could literally feel what another person or rather alien life form was feeling. Deanna's ability to …
Sneaky Cues and Service Dogs
I entered the Rally ring feeling completely nervous. The judge looked at me and said, "whenever you are ready." I responded while looking at Sulu, "I'm ready!" Sulu looked up at me with his beautiful …
What’s Behind that Door?
Creak! What's behind the door? Doors can be scary. In horror movies they are often opened slowly, in anticipation of a monster is on the other side. For dogs, doors can hold a lot of excitement, …