I confess, I love precision. I swoon over a tight finish, precision heeling and beautiful straight fronts. While showy precision is not necessary for service work, there are aspects of competitive …
Emergency Planning for Service Dog Handlers
What do you think of when you think of an emergency? A natural disaster? A car accident? A health scare? Emergencies always require some extra planning for people with disabilities as medications, …
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Service Dog Certification Confusion
Will I be able to certify a service dog? That is one of the most common questions I receive from pet dog trainers interested in learning how to train service dogs. The surprising answer: there is …
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Service Dogs for PTSD
I receive more questions about service dogs for people with PTSD than any other type of service dog. There are some common misunderstandings about service dogs for people with PTSD. Service dogs …
Behavior Problems and Service Dog Candidates
I often receive inquiries from people with dogs with behavior problems asking if we can address the behavior problem and train the dog to become a service dog that works in public access. Certainly, …
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