How-To’s of Mobility Task Training
Get in-depth instruction on the training process for the most commonly needed mobility tasks including: balance and brace, opening doors, turning lights on, helping with dressing and undressing, pulling zippers and more. Learn how to train service dogs to perform these complex mobility tasks efficiently and effectively. Additionally, you will receive critical guidance on determining when it is–and is not–safe and appropriate to train tasks for handlers and their dogs.
“The Mobility Service Dog Tasks Course is an essential resource for novice and established service dog trainers alike. It presents detailed, step-by-step training plans for the most common — and paradoxically complex — service dog mobility tasks. In addition to being well laid out and easy to follow, what makes this course stand out is the framework it provides for establishing whether or not each task is safe and appropriate for a particular handler and service dog. It’s this wholistic perspective that makes this course indispensable.”
All About Dogs
Who this Course is For
This is course is for professional dog trainers who have experience using clicker training. The tasks trained in this course require advanced technical training skills. Some of the tasks in this course build upon component behaviors from a service dog retrieve.
What You Will Learn
This course is packed with detailed information on training mobility tasks. You will see how-to video demonstrations for many tasks needed for mobility service dogs. Multiple training strategies for tasks are covered as well as training accommodations for working with owner-trainers. You will also learn about mobility impairments, and how to determine which tasks are safe and appropriate for the individual as well as for the dog.
- Balance
- Walking
- Stairs
- Brace
- Getting up from sitting or wheelchair
- Getting up from a fall
- Opening Doors
- Holding door open
- Closing Drawers/Cabinets/Doors
- Turning Lights on and Off
- Using platform
- Using light extender
- Pushing buttons
- Helping with Dressing
- Zippers
- Sweaters/Other Items
- More!
“I enjoyed The Mobility Service Dog Tasks Course very much. It was clear and concise and the many video demonstrations were helpful. Wonderful course.”
How You Will Learn
You will watch video presentations, training demonstrations and read course materials. This course also includes links and supporting materials. While this course can be completed in a few afternoons, you will have access to it for a full 90 days. Handouts are provided in PDF so you can download them for your personal use.
“Truly enjoyed this course, extremely helpful to trainers trying to decide if mobility task training is helpful for their client. The videos break down the skills for easy teaching and the safety recommendations drive home the need for us to always keep the needs and abilities of the handlers foremost in our training plans.”
Mary’s Hand that Feeds
The Details
- Course length: Approximately 5 hours. Students have access to the course for 90 days.
- CEUs:
- KPA – 5
- IAABC – 3.5
- PPGA – 4
- Tuition: $185 USD